Carpet | Materials | Fitting | Door Bars
& Local Delivery

Our all inclusive price is the total you pay for your new carpet, delivered and fitted including all fixing materials, underlay with hessian backed carpets, door bars, VAT and local delivery.

We don't tease with low headline carpet prices and then surprise you with additional costs for delivery and fitting.

We keep it simple with our all inclusive pricing.

A Carpet Supply and Fitting Service, Oxfordshire, UK

Abingdon | Oxford | Bicester | Kidlington | Thame | Wallingford | Witney | Faringdon | Wantage | Didcot

Call us on Abingdon 01235 527011

Dave Thomas Carpets | Registered as D J Thomas | VAT no: GB 348 7444 23 | Copyright © | Dave Thomas Carpets 2010-2024