One of our unique installations - a VC10 airliner!
We are a family run, Abingdon based business carrying out domestic and light commercial carpet installations in and around Oxfordshire.

In 35 years we've seen a lot of carpet on a lot of floors! That's why we supply and fit from our own quality range to provide you with years of satisfaction.

One of our unique installations - a VC10 airliner!
A Carpet Supply and Fitting Service, Oxfordshire, UK

Abingdon | Oxford | Bicester | Kidlington | Thame | Wallingford | Witney | Faringdon | Wantage | Didcot

Call us on Abingdon 01235 527011

Dave Thomas Carpets | Registered as D J Thomas | VAT no: GB 348 7444 23 | Copyright © | Dave Thomas Carpets 2010-2024